Monday, May 4, 2009

Happy Easter

Yes, I am well aware that this post is WAY over due, but wanted to share our Easter with ya'll anyway. We had a great time. Now that the girls were old enough, we ventured out to some commuinity Easter egg hunst in addition to the 3rd Annual Lebanik one. The Roanoke Easter egg hunt was kind of a bust though since it literally took all of 30 seconds. I was lucky to get one picture in while there were still some eggs on the ground. Even Matt had a good time landing himself 2 eggs that he refused to let go of for the rest of the day.

The following weekend, I took the kids down to our community's egg hunt. Boy oh boy was that different. There were over 13,000 eggs there that day. Can we say EXCESSIVE?!?!? There were bounce houses, face painting, crafts and of course, the Easter Bunny. Too bad Matty was worn outfrom all the activities by then. Seriously, this snap shot is one of my all-time favorites!

Anyways, they all had a blast even if Kevin WAS working that day.

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